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Here you can find informations to appropriate the individual quantity of chips you need for your game (under cunstruction).
Chipcalculator: If you already know the amount of chips per player in the beginning of your game - you can calculate the complete amount of chips. Please consider possible Re-Buys of some players. To start the calculator just klick at the image. If you don't know how much chips every player need we have some information below.

Chips needed: You can find very detailed information about the quantity of chips you need for your Home-Game at HomePokerTourney. If you need further information or advice please contact us: info@jokerchips.de
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Our links link to the websites of other persons or companies. We don't have any influence at the content of this sites. Because of this we don't take any responsibility for the content of this sites. For the content of this sites are the owners or providers of this websites responsible. At the moment, when the links were installed, it was checked if there were juristical problems with this websites and at this time there weren't any of those problems visible. A permanent control of the content of this sites is without any indication not reasonable. As soon as any jusristical problem about one of those websites emerge, the link to this website will be removed.
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